Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life As We Think It..

Life is a mysterious journey that we have half control over. We have the power of choice and the other half is chance. We are often faced with options; A or B sometimes even C or D. Each being a different path and we have the decision to choose but after we make that decision chance takes over. We don't really know where either path will lead or end all we know is the option that it is. When deciding is when we have to think it through and try to predict or imagine where it will lead, some times we are way off and wonder what if.. but 'what if' is the worst way to think because 'what if' is a bomb that we plant in our head that can really screw us up. We all have dreams and passions but its up to us to pursue those dreams even with the struggles or challenges chance throws at us. we have the power to break down or to keep going. Sometimes breaking down and taking a detour is okay because it helps us get our head back on straight. It helps us realize our new destination or that we do want to find the road again and keep going. It can also show us how strong we are, how much we can handle, and what we are made of. It helps us realize where our heart is and where our head is. Sometimes our heart and our head agree and other times they disagree and then thats when A or B come in to play. thats when we are faced with following our heart or our mind. When you have to decide your hearts passion or your minds right. That happens a lot of times with love too. You don't know whether to move on or to give someone another chance. There it is again chance! If you take someone back its chance that will let you know if it was a right thing to do but what happens is also choice, but not only your choice. We forget a lot of times that we are not the only ones making choices in our life. Others' decisions can affect OUR lives too. For examples, if a boss decides to maybe not give you that promotion after all, or if a loved one cheats on you.

Life Is full of chance followed by choice and choice followed by chance. The choice to let people in and our choice to take that chance on them. We have no control over chance most of the time. We dont know what chances' plan for us really is, but its our choices that guide us to deal with chance and to guide us in the right and wrong decisions. We have the power but its how we use it! We can work hard and earn chance or we can slack and chance will let us feel that we messed up. You can work with it or against it, thats really up to choice. Its a confusing thing when you really think about it, but thats what life is really about. Living, realizing, figuring, imagining, and the journey that will help us learn so much about ourselves, others, and life as we think it. As a child we dream so much, like wanting to be an astronaut, a fireman, even in some cases wanting to be like our parents, because when we are little we see them as our heroes.

Its as we grow up when we realize we want to see what this place has to offer and what we are capable of. Its up to us to enjoy it or to live unhappy. In high school we discover its the time to grow up and decide where we want to go to college or where we want to work, or what our life dreams really are. That is only up to us to decide where we want to go in life, thats when we enter the 'real world' where teachers don't babysit us, where if you mess up you don't just get detention, where you are the adult to learn to support yourself.

Some are often thrown a curveball, that being having a baby in high school, and thats when everything may change. It changes because its no longer just about you, your decisions now affect you and the baby, it can also affect the one your having the baby with. You have 18 years with that person, making decisions to protect that child and help guide them through life as well as trying to live yours. Having a baby in high school is a challenge because you sometimes have to put your dreams on hold so you can be there for the baby. I will never fully understand how hard it can be because it did not happen to me. I only witnessed it one too many times. A few girls I was friends with did have babies in high school and they all handled it in different ways. A lot of times teen parents freak out and other times they try to stay calm. It really depends on the support they have, if the father is going to be there for them in raising the baby. Sometimes there is a teen mom who still decides to go out and party leaving the kid at home with their parents or a babysitter because they still want to live out their teenage years. Others choose making that baby their world and never want to leave the baby in other hands. Also there is the ones that have their parents help in watching the baby or helping support the baby, while they go to school or work or both.

Then there is the other options of abortion or adoption. Abortion is hard to deal with for some because they sometimes think 'what if', its sometimes very hard for them to move on and get over it and that is understandable because they have their reasons to why they did it. I don't believe in abortion myself, but others do and that is their decision. I do not judge because I've never been in that position so I don't know what its fully like. I can say I would never have an abortion and that is my decision for me. We can't hate someone for doing something they feel is the right thing for them to do in almost anything. Adoption is also something that teen moms decide and that is emotionally very tough for them because they carried the baby for 9 months and gave birth to it so they feel connected more and when they look at the baby during and after birth they sometimes really want to change their mind about the adoption. That is why some do an open adoption to help them get closure and be able to cope with it. On the other hand some rather just let go completely and they have their reasons which is okay.

Life is full of decisions and sometimes people won't agree with it but most of the time its not for them to decide for you. Only you can speak for yourself and know what is really going on in your mind and what your feeling. People hide their true feelings a lot and they keep it in and it is hard to deal with. I don't think we can ever really understand this place, life, or people because its constantly changing on us and we learn to go with it or against it, but whatever we choose is up to ourselves.

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